Canada immigration lawyer focused on helping Americans apply for a Temporary Resident Permit so they can travel to Canada with a criminal record. We offer free comprehensive consultations (unlike many businesses who demand a retainer before assessing your options). is in no way associated with Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) / Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC), or the Government of Canada. The official I.R.C.C. website can be found here. All information contained on this website is intended only to be for informational purposes and does not in any way constitute legal advice. We will not assume any liability for how the information on this website is interpreted or used. All info contained on this website is given "as is" and does not have any kind of warranty either expressed or implied. Always consult with a qualified attorney before acting or not acting based on information from this website.
We try to keep the content on this website accurate, but Canada's immigration laws and policies are consistently changing. For this reason, please be aware that information on our website may not always be correct. Information on this website is general in nature and not personalized in any way. Always talk to a qualified immigration lawyer about your exact situation. Any links to third party websites in no way represent an endorsement. The use of this website and the information contained herein does not create a lawyer-client relationship. Contacting our law firm through this website, by email, or by phone, also does not establish a solicitor-client relationship.
If you have any arrests or convictions on your record and need to visit Canada, call us today or fill out this form! 24 Hour Response Time!